Contact me

Availability: currently accepting new clients

Accessibility: The office at 161 Waterloo Ave. is on the second floor of an old stone building that is not wheelchair accessible.   Please let us know in advance of your booking if this poses a problem for you, so that we can make alternative arrangements for your session.

Response time: We will do our best to get back to you within 48 hours.  If you are needing more urgent support and you are in the Waterloo Wellington region of Ontario, please call the Here 24/7 Helpline at 844-437-3247.  If you are in crisis, call your local crisis line, the suicide crisis helpline at 988, or 911.

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Your message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below!


“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
Audre Lorde


Note:  HST is included in workshop, consultation, and officiating fees


50 minute individual:  $160

50 minute couple: $180 

15 minute Resonance Check: FREE  Come to meet and see if we are a good fit

Clinical Supervision

50 minute individual:  $160

25 minute individual:  $80

110 minute dyadic: $230
per person 

80 minute dyadic: $175
per person

6 session fall group series: $540
per person

3 session summer group series: $270 per person

Note: 50, 25, 110 and 80 minutes are eligible for 1 hour, half hour, 2 hour, and one and a half hour claims for CRPO submissions

Workshops and

90 minute, single, non-profit:  $1500-$2500

90 minute, single, for-profit:  $2500-$3500

90 minute, series: determined upon consultation


Fees for weddings and funerals are determined upon consultation.